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The final concert of the competition – in the Palace of the Grand Dukes Lithuania

The final of the third International E. Balsys young composers’ competition calls to see the brightest musical ideas of the youngest generation of world’s composers as well as finding new talents. November 18th in Vilnius, in the Palace of the Grand Dukes Lithuania, the premieres of twelve pieces will be performed for the first time. Their authors – young composers from 9 countries: Austria, China, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and the USA. Immediately after the final concert, the international jury will decide the winner of this year’s competition.

The premieres of the young composers’ pieces will be performed by well-known contemporary music performers, including the Riga Chamber Choir “Ave Sol” (conductor Andris Veismanis), the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (conductor Robertas Šervenikas), the string quartet “Mettis,” the “FortVio” trio, Monta Martinsone (soprano), Vytautas Giedraitis (clarinet), Vytenis Gurstis (flute), Simas Tankevičius (violin), Tomas Kulikauskas (percussion) and Monika Kiknadzė (viola).

The entrance to the final concert is free, but registration is required:

The concert will also be broadcast live on – the exact streaming link will be announced later.