Rules of the Competition
- 1. Participants:
- 1.1. Composers from all countries and of all nationalities can participate in the competition.
- 1.2. The participants of the Junior Group should be born after 29.11.2003.
- 1.3. The participants of the Main Group should be born after 29.11.1989. Participants under the age of 21 can also take part in the Main Group having paid the entrance fee set for the Main Group.
- 2. Requirements for works:
- 2.1. Only new, original works of music that have not been published or presented in any other competition or performed in public before 29.11.2025 can be submitted.
- 2.2. The musical works submitted must be intended for ensemble, choir or orchestra performance. The composition of the ensemble may be chosen in accordance with point 3 of these Rules.
- 2.3. The score must be easily legible and conform to the publishing format (MOLA or similar) (
- 2.4. Works for film and theater, at the request of an author, can be accompanied by video material. An author of a related piece is held liable for the right to demonstrate such video content during the competition, TV broadcasts and the related events. The organizers of the competition bear no responsibility for the permission of a copyright holder to demonstrate video material in public.
- 2.5. The musical work must be created in such a way that the unusual use of the instrument in the work, or its preparation, does not harm the instrument itself.
- 2.6. Total duration of a piece of music:
- 2.6.1. up to 7 minutes in the Junior Group;
- 2.6.2. 7-10 minutes in the Main Group.
- 2.7. One author can submit only one application for the competition.
- 2.8. The Competition is anonymous. When submitting a score, recordings of a piece of music and other related material, an author must indicate only the name of the piece, their pseudonym and group.
- 3. Available instrumentation:
- 3.1. String orchestra only for the Main Group (7,6,4,4,2);
- 3.2. Mixed choir SATB (24 choir singers);
- 3.3. An ensemble of at least 3 and at most 6 performers from the following list: piano, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, accordion, percussion (orchestral) 1, percussion (orchestral) 2, soprano (voice), baritone (voice), double bass.
- 3.4. An electronic soundtrack (stereo) can be used in a piece of music. It has to be prepared for demonstration and has to be submitted together with the piece of music.
- 4. Entrance fee:
- 4.1. The entrance fee for the participants of the Junior Group is 30 EUR.
- 4.2. The entrance fee for the participants of the Main Group is 50 EUR.
- 4.3. The entrance fee can be made via a payment link Main group or Junior group or transferred to the competition bank account
- 4.4. Recipient: VsI „Ars & Sonoris“
The purpose of payment: Competition Entrance fee
Bank: AB Siaulių bankas
Acc.: IBAN LT73 7180 3000 0770 0174
Bank Address: Tilzes g.149, LT-76348 Siauliai
- 5. Applications and documents:
- 5.1. A filled-in online competition application form and an attached copy of the paid entrance fee has to be submitted by the deadline indicated in Clause 6.1.
- 5.2. By the deadline indicated in Clause 6.2., the following material has to be submitted to the email address
- 5.2.1. a completed, signed and scanned or electronically signed competition application form;
- 5.2.2. A copy of a participant’s ID card or any other document enabling the identification of the participant’s age;
- 5.2.3. A short biography or CV of a participant (up to 1 page);
- 5.2.4. A high-quality photo for information material (of at least 800 pixels, in JPG format; please do not send your ID photos);
- 5.2.5. A score of a piece of music in PDF format;
- 5.2.6. All instrument parts in one PDF file;
- 5.2.7. A demo recording of a piece in mp3, wav or AIFF format;
- 5.3. A score of a piece of music, instrument parts and recording must bear only the name of the piece, a pseudonym of a participant (identical to the one indicated in the competition application form) and the intended competition group (Junior or Main).
- 5.4. The language of the competition is English. All necessary information and material, important to the competition, must be submitted in English.
- 6. Deadlines:
- 6.1. 19 September 2025, 23:59 (GMT+2) for the submission of the online competition application form and an attached copy of the paid entrance fee.
- 6.2. 19 September 2025, for the submission of the requested material indicated in Clause 5.2.
- 7. Competition procedure:
- 7.1. Evaluation of the compliance of submitted applications and works with the competition conditions – until September 20, 2025.
- 7.2. 1st round – 3 October 2025.
- 7.3. 3 pieces from the Junior Group and up to 10 pieces from the Main Group are selected for the final round of the competition.
- 7.4. The final round – in Vilnius, Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, 29 November 2025.
- 7.5. The final round is in the form of a finale concert, where all pieces will be performed live. Live streaming of the final round is available on the competition website
- 7.6. Competition laureates are announced on the competition website on November 30.
- 8. Prizes and awards:
- 8.1. The laureates of the Main Group of the Competition will be awarded the following prizes:
- 8.1.1. 1st Prize – 3,000 Euros;
- 8.1.2. 2nd Prize – 2,000 Euros;
- 8.1.3. 3rd Prize – 1,000 Euros.
- 8.2. The laureates of the Junior Group of the Competition will be awarded the Junior Group laureate diplomas and presents.
- 8.1. The laureates of the Main Group of the Competition will be awarded the following prizes:
- 9. Other provisions
- 9.1. The works that do not fulfill the competition conditions do not participate in the competition.
- 9.2. The Jury has the right not to award the First Prize, but to award two Second or Third Prizes without going over the collective Prize fund.
- 9.3. The decision of the Competition jury is final and indisputable.
- 9.4. While submitting their works for the competition, authors agree to the competition rules.
- 9.5. The Competition Organizers reserve the right to perform the submitted works, to publish the scores submitted for the competition, to reproduce the recordings of the works, to perform the works in concerts as well as to announce the authors of the submitted works and their biographies.
- 9.6. The final concert will be recorded and broadcast live or with a delay in the territory of Lithuania and abroad on television, radio and online platforms.
- 9.7. The video and audio recordings of the final concert and their related rights belong to the Organizer of the Competition and Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT), who reserve the right to transfer the recording to third parties for the purpose of promoting the competition.
- 9.8. The material submitted for the Competition is not returned to authors.