APPLICANT INFORMATION Pseudonym Name Surname Sex MaleFemaleOther Category JuniorMain Date of Birth Date format valid:dd/mm/yyyy Telephone number E-mail address A copy of the paid entrance fee (Max uploaded file: 2MB) Contact Address Street City Postal code Country WORK INFORMATION Duration Title Composition (please select) String OrchestraMixed choir SATBPianoViolin 1Violin 2ViolaCelloFluteClarinetOboeBassoonFrench hornTrumpetTromboneTubaAccordionPercussion 1Percussion 2Soprano (voice)Baritone (voice)Double bass Lyricist (for Choral/ Vocal Composition) Additional information about a work (optional) I have read the terms and conditions. Regulations By the 19 September 2025 the following material has to be submitted to the email address a. A filled-in, signed and scanned or electronically signed competition application form; b. A copy of a document with the proof of age; c. A short biography (up to 500 words); d. A high-quality photo (of at least 800 pixels, in JPG or TIFF format; please do not send your ID photos); e. The Score for the competition in PDF format; f. All separate parts of the piece in one PDF document; g. A demo recording of a piece in mp3, wav or AIFF format; I am well acquainted with the rules and other details detailed by the 4th International Eduardas Balsys Composers Competition Committee and I fully agreed to comply. N.B. After clicking SUBMIT, click DOWNLOAD PDF. Sign, scan and send your application together with all other required documents by 19 September 2025 to: Δ